The Editors.

We are shocked and appalled by the un-ending incidents of targeted violence towards Northeasterners in numerous cities in mainland India. Despite all the tall assurances by political leaders, including the Prime Minister, the act of hatred towards Northeasterners has not decrease, but continues to spread to various parts of the country.  What has started as isolated incidents of atrocities against Northeasterners in certain localities in Mumbai and Pune, especially Bangurulu has emerged as assault towards Northeasterners in the national scale. It shows how callous the Indian state’s approach to people who are minorities among the minorities.  Not only has the attacked threatened and destroyed the livelihood of many young men and women, but also has led to loss of trust on the state governments and the centre in taking necessary measures for the protection of Northeasterners every part of the country. Northeasterners has been made to feel like an unwelcome guest where-ever they went out to live and work in India. 
We want to ask our responsible leaders why the issue has been downplayed as mere ‘rumour’, when the physical assault on Northeasterners are happening unabated in various cities across India. Instead of focusing on attackers, the politicians have chosen to target ‘rumour mongers’. However, the actual social reality has shown that the hatred towards Northeasterners is much more than a ‘rumour’, it is too real to be ignored and brush aside as ‘rumour’. We demand the Government of India and various state governments to be more serious in dealing with the current wave of attacks on Northeasterners.
The root of present assaults on Northeasterners has been traced to ethnic violence in Assam, where indigenous Bodos have been reduced to minorities in their own land. What has been a cyclical violence between two ethnic groups has been painted by the media and other sources have ‘communal violence’. The origin of this violence lies in the failure of Indian state in making its border free from immigrations from other countries, which they have done it deliberately to serve their interest of vote-bank politics. The end results of all this sinister politics is loss of innocent life, and insecurities for indigenous people in their own home and villages.
Now, what we are witnessing is ‘return’ of Northeasterners to their own home in a massive scale, which can only be compared to Partition period in Indian history. Numerous young men and women’s career and livelihood has been shattered by ‘hate crimes’, which the Indian state has remain as helpless watchmen.  We demand the Central and State Governments to take immediate and affective measures to stop the current incidents of violent attacks towards Northeasterners in various parts of the countries. Mere tokenism and lip-service will not work this time as the danger to our livelihood is real and increasing. We asked the state governments to compensate all those who have been force to flee from their work and educational institutions. And all those responsible for attacks and hate crimes must be booked and punish according to the law of the land.
                                                                                                                        Luikang Lamak
President, NEYF, Delhi.
+91-8587895536, +91-8974415409.